Effective fire protection systems can be highly complex, and it’s important that they’re well-planned during a build or renovation.

There’s much more to fire protection than compliance – there’s also considering how the parts of the system work together, deciding which systems are best in which areas, and planning for future maintenance.

We work with all your contractors, engineers, architects and builders right from the start of your project to make sure that your fire protection system is the best for your building and your business.

Sometimes all you need is a simple system; other times more careful planning and high-tech systems will be required. Whether it’s sprinkler design layouts or flow calculations for hydrants, we’ll analyse your objectives and needs to make sure you have a complete fire safety system that meets all the relevant codes and regulations.

With Safe Spray on the job, you can be assured that from the get-go, your property and people will be well protected. Find out more – get in touch now.